Lourve, Paris

By North East Wedding Photographer Marco Damian

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It’s great to be back out with the camera. As the majority of my north east weddings have moved from 2020 to 2021, I’m left with plenty of time to fill. A favourite pastime of mine is photographing people in museums, there’s few museums quite as cool as the Lourve in Paris. It’s good fun catching people as they move around the museum, take a break, check their phones, take a few pics and engage with the environment. The next time you’re in a museum enjoying the art, have a look at the people around you and see if any characters would add some depth to your photographs. It’s a great place to practice where everyone accepts the fact that cameras are present. A few of my favourites below.

By North East Wedding Photographer Marco Damian

Available for weddings throughout Newcastle, the North East and across the UK. Photographing weddings with passion and verve for people in love. please get in touch If you would like me as your creative companion for your special day.




Causey Arch Photography